Finished an order just in time! I leave for Disney tonight and I'm so thankful I found the time (and felt the creative juices flowing) to finish this order. :)
Now I get to enjoy my vacation without an order hovering over my head.
And I will start the 52 weeks of mail by sending a post card!
Happy Elephant Designs
Cards made for you.
52 Weeks of Mail

Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
52 Weeks of Mail

I think this is such a wonderful event. One of our member's came up with this amazing idea, and a few others helped her implement it.
Of course we all love the internet, but there are many among us who just love to send and receive cards and letters.
When you think about it, it’s amazing to realize how easy it is to send cards, letters, and greetings anywhere in the world. Sometimes it takes a while to get there, admittedly, but there’s nothing like the look and feel of handwriting on paper. It’s not as fast as the internet, of course, but it’s just as easy, it’s accessible to everyone, and it’s deeply personal.
You might not know that World Post Day is coming up on October 9, marking the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union’s establishment in 1874. The union aimed to create and maintain a structure for the free flow of international mail around the world.
The Etsy Greetings Team, a collection of over 100 artists from all over the glove who collaborate to promote the art and craft of card making, is celebrating World Post Day by issuing a challenge that we are calling 52 Weeks of Mail. This idea sprung from one member’s desire to keep in touch better with friends and loved ones, and to be intentional about relationships. The idea is for people to commit to sending at least one personal note, card, letter, or postcard to people they know, once a week for a year. Of course, you can send MORE than one, but that’s up to you. Just think how happy this will make the Postal Services around to the world—not to mention those old friends!!
Here are three ways you can participate:
1. Send your card to Grandma (or whomever), enclosing a second card with a stamped envelope, so that she can send a card to someone else! Be sure to explain in your card what you are doing, so she will know why you sent her a brand new card.
2. Get your kids involved! Tell them stories of how snail mail was all there was when you were a kid. Let them write letters or send cards to grandparents, friends, etc. This will help keep the “art” of letter writing and sending alive.
3. Encourage friends, relatives and co-workers to join in on the fun, and challenge each other to see who can stick with this challenge, all the way through to October 7, 2012!
Do YOU have a great idea on how to participate? Please feel free to
share it with everyone on the 52 Weeks of Mail Facebook page.
And guess what! You can find lots of great handmade cards to send out to your friends and family at Etsy Greetings Team’s web page. Be sure to tweet your friends about 52 Weeks of Mail, using the hashtag #52weeksofmail, or share on any other social media you use.
Now get off the computer and send a card letting them know what they mean to you!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The Wedding Invites
For the first time I was approached to do Wedding Invitations. To say I was nervous would be an understatement! Thank goodness it was one of my best friends that I have known since I was 5 years old. Of course, there is a different kind of pressure when it's someone you know.
She was getting married on Valentine's Day so she wanted to go with a 'love' theme. Her fiance wanted the invites to look a little bit like Valentine' she came to my house and we designed them.
I tried to be as exact in what we designed but there were some challenges. The first one was that the design called for the card to open from bottom to top (instead of the normal left to right). I couldn't find paper tall enough to accomplish this. Plus it was supposed to open, then open it was super tall! I didn't know how I was supposed to get this through my printer, even if I found paper tall enough.
The second challenge was getting the Heart cut out in the middle of the card. I needed a whimsical heart. At first I bought a punch for my Epic Six. When I got it home I realized it wouldn't work. And not only did I need a whimsical heart , I needed the exact same heart in a smaller size for the response cards. I finally realized that my Cricut had a perfect heart, and with the Cricut I can make the heart be from 1 inches to 5 inches. Perfect!
I went to Archiver's and they were so helpful. I went during a winter storm, so I was the only one there. She sympathized with me because she had done 6 friends Wedding Invitations. She looked at my copy of the design and showed me how to implement it! I bought everything I needed there, even though I could have gotten the materials cheaper somewhere else, because I feel good customer service deserves rewarding.
After many hours (and many of my tools: my cricut, my printer, my xyron machine, my Shimmer Mist, my edge rounder punch...) the invites were complete! She was very pleased with the invites and response cards. :) I was happy to put these invites to bed!
But last week I get a message from her saying that they are unfortunately postponing the wedding!! Oh dear. I guess the invites that I put to bed got out of bed!! LOL So now she needed me to somehow fix the invites and response cards. The invites were easy for me to figure out. Before I went to Archiver's I went to JoAnne's and got a pack of 12X12 white paper that I Shimmer Misted before I realized the paper was too thin for the invites. So all I need to do to fix the invitations is to cut the paper the correct size to cover the bottom part of the invite and run that through my printer and then adhere over the wrong info. No one will be able to tell that there is another layer underneath, and the paper is already Shimmery so I don't even have to waste time or money doing that.
Now the response cards were a different story. I mean, response cards are basically just the date on when you need them back. She told me to just use white out ('gasp'!)!!! Ummmm, no. So I decided to use the thinner white paper that is already shimmery and run it through my printer, then butt it up agains the red strip of paper. It will actually turn out to look better I think.
Now I just need to implement them! Wish me luck!
wedding invitations
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Who doesn't resolve to do something better in the New Year? This year Happy Elephant Designs resolves to make more time in creating, experimenting, and playing. Because I also watch kids during the day, I need to start creating more in the evening. It's nice that my Mom watches my daughter on Wednesday's and sometimes Tuesdays....but I need to start utilizing my nights and weekends so I can get more cards into the shops.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Been awhile
It's been awhile since I've found time to blog. Lots have been happening for my little company. I was busy getting ready for 2 craft shows in Septmember. One was a free one of the Gallery's I'm in in Downtown Cleveland on September 11th for Sparx. I got a few orders from there so that was successful! Not to mention that the owner of the Gallery ordered a dozen kids Birthday cards :) I had a ton of Halloween stuff, and some of them got sold.
Then the next weekend I had a craft show at my daughters Gymnastics. That one was successful because I received some orders from there too! On top of that I've had some birthday invitations that I supply for her Gymnastics (they have birthday parties there and they asked if I would make all the invitations as part of the package). That has been a great on going order (as a matter of fact, just yesterday I was asked to do 20 more).
I would have to say my most successful night was when I took my box to my Golf League night! Those ladies know how to shop!! Not only did they nearly clear me out of stock, but I got a few custom orders for Halloween Boxes.
I have started filling some Christmas cards and Christmas box orders, if you can believe it! I'll have to take a picture of the boxes and post it, it's really neat and has become a favorite to all that see them! :) Allison (the owner of Molly's Gymnastics) has also decided to give me a permanent table in the front where she wants me to have already made scrap book pages, some invitations and favor boxes for showers, and she wants me to create a Matte Board that she can frame that is decorated with gymnastics embellishments so she can put her daughters pictures in it, frame it, and hang it on the wall in hopes that others will buy them. They are super great there, always trying to come up with ideas on how to make my business more successful! It's great to have the support of friends who believe in your craft!
Then the next weekend I had a craft show at my daughters Gymnastics. That one was successful because I received some orders from there too! On top of that I've had some birthday invitations that I supply for her Gymnastics (they have birthday parties there and they asked if I would make all the invitations as part of the package). That has been a great on going order (as a matter of fact, just yesterday I was asked to do 20 more).
I would have to say my most successful night was when I took my box to my Golf League night! Those ladies know how to shop!! Not only did they nearly clear me out of stock, but I got a few custom orders for Halloween Boxes.
I have started filling some Christmas cards and Christmas box orders, if you can believe it! I'll have to take a picture of the boxes and post it, it's really neat and has become a favorite to all that see them! :) Allison (the owner of Molly's Gymnastics) has also decided to give me a permanent table in the front where she wants me to have already made scrap book pages, some invitations and favor boxes for showers, and she wants me to create a Matte Board that she can frame that is decorated with gymnastics embellishments so she can put her daughters pictures in it, frame it, and hang it on the wall in hopes that others will buy them. They are super great there, always trying to come up with ideas on how to make my business more successful! It's great to have the support of friends who believe in your craft!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Featured Artist
I was just featured on Cleveland Handmade! W00-hoo, check it out when you have the time :)
cleveland handmade,
feature artist,
happy elephant designs
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Harry Chapin and my Epiphany
This weekend I was driving to Akron to go to a Baby Shower with my sister and I was jamming to some tunes on my iPod. I don't know if any of you are familiar with Harry Chapin, but I was raised listening to him, Billy Joel, Cat Stevens...etc. You couldn't be in my family without loving Harry and belting out his tunes (just ask my siblings spouses...they just LOVE it! lol)
So I'm listening to one of my favorites by him called Mr. Tanner and the words for the chorus really took on a different meaning this time to me. I don't know if it's cause I've been re-evaluating my company and trying to think of ways to turning it into a more profitable business, but those three sentences really touched a chord in my heart...
But music was his life, it was not his livelihood,and it made him feel so happy and it made him feel so good. And he sang from his heart and he sang from his soul. He did not know how well he sang; It just made him whole.
If you substituted 'music' for 'creating' in the chorus that is exactly how I feel. And it made me realize that I need to stop worrying about what other people think of my creations. Stop stressing about how to make my cards geared more towards the mass audience so that they will sell, but to make what is in my heart...and if it sells, then it sells. If not, then oh well.
That's not to say that I'm not going to try and make this business a success, but I'm going to try and do it so that my soul is still happy with my work!
So I'm listening to one of my favorites by him called Mr. Tanner and the words for the chorus really took on a different meaning this time to me. I don't know if it's cause I've been re-evaluating my company and trying to think of ways to turning it into a more profitable business, but those three sentences really touched a chord in my heart...
But music was his life, it was not his livelihood,and it made him feel so happy and it made him feel so good. And he sang from his heart and he sang from his soul. He did not know how well he sang; It just made him whole.
If you substituted 'music' for 'creating' in the chorus that is exactly how I feel. And it made me realize that I need to stop worrying about what other people think of my creations. Stop stressing about how to make my cards geared more towards the mass audience so that they will sell, but to make what is in my heart...and if it sells, then it sells. If not, then oh well.
That's not to say that I'm not going to try and make this business a success, but I'm going to try and do it so that my soul is still happy with my work!
happy elephant designs,
harry chapin,
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